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Transformational change relies on high performing networks of teams working virtually across multiple locations.Therefore it is important to pay attention to the how to collaborate effectively in your virtual teams. Developing the skills of self-leadership among team members is critical to delivering results.

This session includes:

  • Diagnose the causes of isolation, fragmentation and confusion in virtual teams. Identify micro behaviors that support or erode trust in teams working virtually
  • Explore the most appropriate choices for tools and technology to support coordination
  • Leverage team inclusion by exploring personal, cultural and linguistic diversity
  • Identify best practices to improve the coordination, quality and dynamics of virtual team meetings particularly across multiple time zones

Participants will:

  • Take on a greater level of responsibility for self-leadership when working virtually
  • Improve levels of psychological safety
  • Enhance creativity and knowledge sharing
  • Achieve greater efficiency through better coordination
  • Raise awareness of personal online behaviors and their impact on others in virtual team
  • Improve clarity in team meeting / Enhance team connection and team spirit
Virtual Team Guru