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We’ve been in business for three decades and counting and have helped global businesses successfully navigate change through cultural intelligence.



Hans van der Linden

Hans van der Linden

Chief Operating Officer
Hans van der Linden
Chief Operating Officer

If you combine data, processes and warmth in a big, Dutch pot, you’ll end up with Hans. Straightforward, humorous, but unmistakably orange-blooded. Don’t expect a ‘quick chat’ with Hans, who is never short of something to say. Fortunately it’s worth the wait – and proof that Dutch directness isn’t always concise!

Nikki Samant Jones

Nikki Samant Jones

Chief Revenue Officer
Nikki Samant Jones
Chief Revenue Officer

When you turn your passion and experience into a job, the result is Nikki. That rare breed of a female leader in a tech business, she’s not afraid to express an opinion. But be prepared! Nikki sees disagreement as an invitation to build new relationships and widen her perspective.

Chris Crosby

Chris Crosby

Chief Executive Officer
Chris Crosby
Chief Executive Officer

If you’ve ever wondered what would happen if a friendly bear played rugby and went to business school in Paris, the answer is Chris. Unlike a bear, Chris is driven by a passion for cultural intelligence, not honey, and is adept at showing why cultural intelligence is a practical necessity for all.

Matthew MacLachlan

Matthew MacLachlan

Head of Learning Innovation
Matthew MacLachlan
Head of Learning Innovation

Calm, relaxed, and cheerful – words that are rarely used to describe Matthew. And you may not always notice that he actually enjoys being immersed in culture, inclusion and learning, but you will notice he enjoys talking about them. A lot!

Sandra Mitrovic

Sandra Mitrovic

SDR Team Lead
Sandra Mitrovic
SDR Team Lead

Great relationships seem to just happen around Sandra. Her gentle persistence is her secret weapon – with a smile and a laugh, you’ll even thank her as she chases you up to book a meeting. Her outcomes-focus is hidden beneath a genuine warmth.

Tanja Balog

Tanja Balog

Client Success Team Lead
Tanja Balog
Client Success Team Lead

a salesperson. She doesn’t want to sell and can’t sell, but she is very good at persuading people to invest in high quality cultural intelligence training. But she doesn’t sell. Passion and process rarely come together – but Tanja makes it work. And she probably has a process for that too!

Aaron Martinez

Aaron Martinez

Chief Technology Officer
Aaron Martinez
Chief Technology Officer

Aaron was compiled in binary by an AI that wanted someone to do the hard work. Coming into daylight once every 20 years, he is particularly good at making impossible problems go away. Just don’t ask him to turn the camera on. But a great virtual sense of humor reassures us that there is some human in there…we think.

Russell Harlow

Russell Harlow

Sales Enablement Lead
Russell Harlow
Sales Enablement Lead

There are black holes that aren’t as deep as Russ’ depth of knowledge and insight into cultural intelligence. His knack for helping others explore the power of cultural intelligence and diversity is instinctive and intensely practical. Russ is also open to exploring the depths of flavor in a good wine, and, like wine, Russ is complex, but engaging, with a note of oak!

Country Navigator History



Recognizing the power of cultural intelligence leads to some amazing ideas.

Chris Crosby and Hans van der Linden both wanted to change the way businesses think about culture when they met while doing an MBA in Paris. Building Country Navigator with a solid foundation in cultural intelligence and inclusion in 1992, they’ve led the way in finding innovative ways to transform the organizations Country Navigator partners with.

  • We work with many global organizations: HP, L’Oreal, Audi, Stellantis, Arcelor Mittal, Santander to name just a few
  • Over 1 million learners have experienced the power of cultural intelligence and inclusion through the power of WorldPrism – our unique cultural tool
  • Our innovative Learning Signature means that our huge network of coaches, consultants and facilitators can deliver impactful learning in any time zone, in any country and in more than 15 languages



Our CEO, Chris Crosby, summarizes our values, in a quotation by Mexican Poet and diplomat, Octavio Paz:

“What sets worlds in motion is the interplay of differences, their attractions and repulsions. Life is plurality, death is uniformity. By suppressing differences and peculiarities, by eliminating different civilisations and cultures, progress weakens life and favors death. The ideal of a single civilisation for everyone, implicit in the cult of progress and technique, impoverishes and mutilates us. Every view of the world that becomes extinct, every culture that disappears, diminishes a possibility of life”

  • We value cognitive diversity and actively seek out different perspectives
  • We strive to include all, respecting and amplifying every individual, regardless of their identity, background and make up
  • We believe in making the best use of resources and technology to build sustainable solutions for our clients
  • We ground our learning solutions on andragogy (the science of adult learning); we base our technology on innovative functionality that makes learning sustainable
Country Navigator Mission



We offer high impact, blended learning solutions focused on cultural intelligence and inclusion. Our Learning Signature is based on proven principles of adult learning and aims to deliver sustainable learning grounded in practical application: 

  • LEARN: Models and principles that give learners practical ways to change their behaviors and develop new skills 
  • APPLY: We give learners the opportunity and tools to reflect on their work through the lens of cultural intelligence and inclusion. We challenge them to look for new approaches that are relevant to their individual situation 
  • PRACTICE: Learners are given strategies and solutions that they can apply immediately. We provide templates, tools and resources to ease the transfer of learning into sustainable, high-impact and measurable changes in learners’ work contexts. 

Whether working through digital content or taking part in a live workshop supported by blended content, Country Navigator learners develop practical and impactful ways to develop their cultural intelligence and inclusive behaviors.  

Country Navigator learning solutions can transform your organization, delivering tangible, measurable results.  



We offer practical real world cultural intelligence coaching to help organizations solve their real-world cultural intelligence and inclusion challenges

Country Navigator Coaches



With over three decades of experience under our belts, we’re experts in supporting global businesses successfully navigate their complex and unique challenges. Let’s explore how we could help you.

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Delivering tangible impact

“Country Navigator is a comprehensive and user-friendly intercultural platform that we have simultaneously integrated into our corporate programmes and offered to all our employees worldwide as a corporate on-line intercultural tool. We get very positive feedback from all our users which shows that these resources are highly scored and valued in our global company.”

Céline Williams, International Learning & Development Lead, Stellantis