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Watch or participate in our latest CQ events and stay up to date with our take on culture, inclusion and global leadership, with the help of international cultural intelligence experts.

July - Masterclass:

When does now mean later? - Worldprism and Time

The Challenge

Multitasking or focus on one thing? When is 'now'? Misunderstandings about time are not just frustrating, but can cause significant business challenges. But different perceptions of time can be a strength.

The Solution

This masterclass and learning path will unpack cultural attitudes to time, show you how you can account for them and find the benefit of different understandings of time.

The Outcome

– Time and deadline clarity
– Practical ways to align team and personal priorities
– Greater self- and other-awareness

July Masterclass
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August - Masterclass:

Getting better answers: WorldPrism and problem-solving

The Challenge

Teams often struggle to leverage diverse viewpoints and cultural styles in problem-solving, leading to stagnation and missed opportunities for innovation. Disagreements can become obstacles rather than catalysts for growth.

The Solution

This masterclass will introduce the WorldPrism framework. You will learn how to harness cognitive diversity, channel disagreements into innovative strategies, and master constructive disagreement to foster creative solutions.

The Outcome

– Enhanced problem-solving approaches
– Constructive dialogue skills
– Transformation of disagreements into opportunities for growth




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“As a sponsor of the event, I felt proud as I could observe that the confidence and feeling of recognition increased among the Indian team and this was maintained in a sustainable way afterwards. In particular, I believe it was very effective that consultants chose a mixture of methodologies/ The facilitators we had were of excellent quality and were truly inspirational”

Nora Elisabeth Haberg, Vice President – Strategic Projects